Page 13 - The Phoenix - Nov-Dec 2021
P. 13

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             OMAN NATIONAL DAY

             The National Day celebrations, which reflect the achievements of the sultanate in

             the last five decades, acquire a special significance this year. The general public in
             2021  is  even  more  jubilant  thanks  to  the  reassuring  recovery  from  COVID-19

             National  Day  is  celebrated  with  great  fervour  every  year;  people  decorate  their

             vehicles  with  national  symbols  and  portraits  of  His  Majesty  Sultan  Haitham  bin
             Tarik, and cities are lit up in green, red and white lights. On November 18, citizens

             dress up in the bright national colours, and wear badges and brooches symbolising
             the  occasion.  Since  the  beginning  of  the  month,  outlets  across  the  country  sell

             special National Day items. Streets and buildings are illuminated, and flags and
             slogans raised to show devotion and gratitude for the country. “Every November, I
             celebrate the country’s progress by raising a flag at home. And on the day, I make it

             a point to wear a scarf in green, red and white.

             Over the past decades, Oman has made a clear mark in different arenas and made
             big differences in the lives of its citizens and residents alike. The least among these

             is the peace and harmony in the country which is recognised and appreciated all
             over the world. Oman’s rich culture and history, along with the kindness shown by
             its  citizens,  has  made  this  country  a  welcoming  and  loving  home  to  expatriates

             from all over the world.

             This  significant  day  that  recognises  the  country’s  growth  and  achievements  is
             celebrated with fireworks, decorations, coloured lights, parades, Omani food and

             music.  With  51st  National  Day  just  around  the  corner,  the  glowing  lights  and
             decorated cars give expats a chance to appreciate the country that has provided for

             and hosted them over the past years.

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