Page 16 - The Phoenix - Nov-Dec 2021
P. 16

V  O  L  U  M  E     1                                                                       I  S  S  U  E     9     2  0  2  1


             Rangoli is a traditional art form of India,         To add them more to our institution

             where patterns are created on the floor or         we  organized  an  activity  for  the
             the tabletop using materials such as dry           parents  to  come  and  show  their
             rice  flour,  limestone,  colored  sands  and      talents.  There  was  an  overwhelming

             much more.                                         response and we had it organized on
                                                                the  21st  of  November  2021.  The
             Rangoli was initiated by Lopamudra who             parents were allotted spaces to exhibit

             was  the  wife  of  a  sage  called  Augustya      their  creativity.  The  outcome  was
             Rishi. She wanted to help her husband in           excellent  and  inspirational.  The
             worshipping the god. So, she started to            parents who actively participated are:

             make       rangoli       decorations        for    1.Megha  Poddaar  -  parent  of  Vedaa
             yagyakunda.  She  asked  the  panchatatva          Poddar from K1 C
             (the  five  elements  of  the  world)  to  give    2.Mangai       -   parent      of    Vahini

             colors  to  her  design.  That  is  how  it
             began.                                             Hariharasudhan Mangai
             Today  rangoli  has  spread  its  wings  and       of K1 D

             they  represent  the  symbol  of  positivity,      3.Mital Dipesh Gor - parent of Harumi
             liveliness, and happiness.                         Paresh Bhavsar of 2D
                                                                4.Shital  Akarte  –  parent  of  Sukrut
                                                                Akarte of 10 C.

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