Page 16 - The Phoenix - Jan 2021
P. 16
Talk with the Topper
"Study Everyday, NEVER EVER GIVE UP"!
School Topper Harshita Nair opens up on her journey of
struggle and success - IGCSE 2020.
Hello Harshita How are You? What do you think are some of
I am Good. your strengths and weaknesses,
and how did you manage to
Congratulations on your great overcome them?
results! Was this the result you I believe that I have a good
expected? memory. So, once I understand a
Thanks Nandini. The results for all concept I improvise it and try to
science subjects reached up to my apply and associate with other
expectations. I might be sounding related subjects, which further
really greedy right now, but I wish I strengthens my comprehension
got all 7 A*s. about the subject matter. I feel I
have a weakness to overthink
What was your initial reaction to the and that leads me to overlook
scores? simple things which at times
I was really surprised, frankly gives rise to confusion. I also get
speaking. I remember listening to the distracted with gadgets fairly
results of others and thinking, “Wow, easily and quickly. To avoid these
the evaluators have marked the issues, I seclude myself in my
papers pretty strictly this time.” But room without anything, and
when I saw that I got all A*and A, I let make active notes.
out a small shriek of astonishment.
What was your study strategy to
conquer the exams?
The prelims were an eye opener for
me. I got to know the areas I really
had to focus and work upon. Honestly
speaking, I’ve no special strategy. I did
what people usually do, practice past
papers, and revise concepts.