Page 5 - The Phoenix - October 2021
P. 5
”Your body exists in the past and your
mind exists in the future. In Yoga, they
come together in the present.”
- B.K.S, Iyengar.
ISWKi conducted its first physical activity after
a long hiatus of virtual interaction; the Inter-
House Yoga competition on the 26th Oct, 2021
for Group B to D learners (grades 3-8). The
competition started with lighting of the lamp by
the Chief Guest Ms. Shilpa Pawani, SMC
member of ISWK, the Guest of Honor Mr. Amar
Srivastava, Principal of ISD along with our
dynamic Principal Mr. Sanjay Tiwari.
Learners displayed amazing talent through
their flexibility and persistence, evident by the
‘asanas' exhibited by them. The programme was
a roaring success, and appreciated by all
present. Proper social distancing was
maintained by the learners. Audience
participation was perceptible as they were
quite engrossed throughout the event.
The programme was a roaring success, and
appreciated by all present.
The Phoenix | Page 02