Page 4 - The Phoenix - October 2021
P. 4


             MR. SANJAY TIWARI

             “If  I  could  return  to  youth,  I  would      Can we bring real light to our hearts on this very
             commit  all  those  errors  again  but  a  bit   day?  Hustle  bustle  everywhere.  Learners  and
                                                              educators  totally  immersed  in  their  task.  But
                                                              the beauty of it is, with all the burden and load,
                                                              we  still  try  to  find  time  to  unwind,  relax  our
             The third fruitful term almost closes itself,    nerves,  humour  ourselves  and  rejuvenate  with
             unfolding  immense  opportunities  we  have      complete sense of blissful ecstasy.
             generated for ourselves while dealing with

             issues  cropping  up  day  and  night  due  to   The glory of light is experienced here at ISWKi,
             pandemic.  I  would  re-confirm  with  all       where one can still enjoy the radiant rays, ready
             possible  emphasis  which  seems  a  bit  of     to embrace us in its warmth.
             reassurance to me than anybody else, that
             it has been a smooth ride so far for all of us.  Undertaking  missions  like  Herculean  tasks

             I really don’t anticipate too many problems,     enable one to realize the significance of it; once
                                                              the  mission  is  accomplished  with  absolute
             but I have been known to be wrong before.        devotion, the respite felt within gives a unique
             It is a bit of a ramble but you all "know the    delight of fulfilment. Every single day, like a box
             ropes".                                          of gift ready to be opened with excitement.

             At  this  juncture,  opinions  which  are        To  thank  the  Team,  I  won’t  give  flashy
             opposed  to  the  notion  will  help  me  in     messages,  downloaded  photographs  and  fancy
             conducting a brain exercise and arouse my        sms which travel across the chips of our mobiles
             mental  faculties.  I  am  ready  to  move       and  email  boxes  (BUT  DON’T  REACH  US),
             forward with the support of my team for a        rather I wish to establish a dialogue with your

             greater cause and benefiting my institution      true-self  and  deliver  the  feelings  right  at  the
             and the whole School community.                  doorsteps of your soul which is waiting to hear a
             I quote “When situations like this pandemic      knock.
             challenge  us,  it  attracts  our  attention,  not  It's here.
             our anger and frustration”.

                                                              ~ Sanjay Tiwari
             We change for the good and even we don’t
             realize  it.  It  has  become  so  natural  to  us.
             Can we change?

       Every single day, like a box

       of gift ready to be opened

       with excitement.

             The Phoenix | Page 01
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