Page 13 - The Phoenix April 2021
P. 13

Thinker's Club

             Thinkers club held its second session             Our  next  speaker,  Adhitya  Ram  took

             on Wednesday, March 3rd. The theme                the    stage     with     his     impactful
             for  the  week’s  session  was  “parallel         perspective  on  how  humans  are
             vision”, the idea of thinking from two            fueled by selfish desires and idealizes
             different spectrums but combined by               the  notion  of  success  in  forms  of
             the  notion  of  thought.  This  vision  is       monetary value and fame. But Goku, a
             seen to be portrayed all around us, in            character  in  the  world-renowned
             cartoons,  TV  shows,  anime’s  and               anime series – Dragon Ball Z, is fueled
             many more.                                        by  the  vision  of  protecting  his
                                                               community but not at the expense of
             The  session  was  set  in  motion  by            violence but rather peace, he gives his
             Gaveesh  Kapoor  who  instituted  the             “enemies”  a  second  chance  and
             idea of a parallel vision, the idea that          mentors them to lead a better life.
             the only thing different from a Movie
             and us, is the fact that you can skip to          The  world  of  fiction  is  certainly
             the end of that movie to see what the             riveting,  each  conveys  a  strong
             characters  vision  was.  Our  vision             message  of  fundamental  values  that
             sometimes  distorts  the  energy  that            impact our lives greatly. Numaeer, the
             drives us to achieve our ultimate goal.           fourth  speaker  of  the  session  talked
             The  concept  of  parallel  vision  simply        about his emotional connection with
               combines  together  our  vision  with           anime     and     how      it   helped     in
             today’s reality.                                  overcoming many of life’s hurdles.
             This  idea  was  further  developed  by
             the  first  speaker,  Bhumika  Jagtiani           Thinkers  Club  also  welcomed  Mr.
             who  talked  about  her  love  for  K-            Nazim Qureshi, Head of CETaL, ISWKi,
             Drama and the similarities it has with            whose  presence  was  truly  humbling.
             our  day  to  day  lives.  The  second            The  session  was  not  complete  with
             speaker,      Sukrut      Akarte      talked      the  salient  views  of  our  Guest  of
             through  the  eyes  of  a  beloved                Honor,  Mr.  Sanjay  Tiwari,  Principal,
             director,  Stan  lee  and  how  his               ISWKi.
             optimistic  vision  of  creating  one  of
             the greatest superhero series became
             a reality.

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