The ISWK [Cambridge] Counselling and Special Education department (A.B.L.E.) advocates the motto "A child's mental health is equally important as their grades".
Schools can offer an ideal context for prevention, intervention, positive development, and collaboration between school and families, which is very crucial for a comprehensive approach to safe and successful schools. With the help of trained counselors on campus, our students have the opportunity to discuss mental health in a safe and understanding space.
The department focuses on the overall wellbeing of students experiencing academic difficulties or any kind of personal, behavioural and socio-emotional challenges. Counselling and Guidance is given to students, parents and teachers according to different needs of students’ developmental stages. Our counsellors aim at improving the cognitive skills and boosting self confidence in students for their higher achievements.
Students with special educational needs are accommodated with various support measures like shadow parenting, remedial education and IGCSE exam provisions to promote inclusive education.
Career guidance is also provided as a key function of secondary school to prepare students’ transition towards future career prospects successfully.
Follow UsISWK and ISWK [Cambridge]- The journey and the meaning of the logo for the Counseling, Special Education needs and Psychology Department (CSE)
The journey of the CSE logo and name design competition began in July 2020. The students from grades VI - XII (ISWK & ISWK [Cambridge]) were given a brief about what is expected and the criteria.
We received an overwhelming response from both ISWK and ISWK [Cambridge] and received a stupendous 130 entries for the Logo contest and it was an extremely difficult task for the team members to shortlist and select the winner.
A brief description on each icon will tell the world that yes, we are here to serve. | |
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Starts with Greetings |
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Communication or Correspondence |
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Bringing Awareness |
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Process of Counselling |
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Making Friends |
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SWOT Analysis |
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Success story of Counselling |
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Moving out with flying colours from ISWK or ISWK [Cambridge] |
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The icon placed in the centre in the form of a puzzle interlocking each other telling the world that we are an ‘ABLE’ team i.e. ADVICE, BELIEF, LEARN & ELEVATE. The Centre logo was the winner of the competition and was designed by Ms. AAGNA KOTHARI VIII J - ISWK. |
The A.B.L.E team consists of 4 Counsellors, 2 special Educators and 1 Speech and Language Therapist.
Some children experience difficulties in school, ranging from physical differences, problems with concentration, learning, speech, language, and perception to problems with behaviour and/or making and keeping friends. These difficulties may be due to one or more of the following:
Children with such special needs are usually entitled to receive additional services or accommodations at schools. To support their ability to learn in school, the A.B.L.E team is here to offer their services.
As a parent, you may request an evaluation of your child to determine any needs for special education and/or related services. The evaluation may include informal psychological and educational testing, a speech and language evaluation, and a behavioural analysis.
At present our ‘A.B.L.E ‘team is providing Individual Counselling sessions,Social emotional Learning (SEL), Remedial Sessions, Speech and Language Sessions and Informal Testing for Learning Difficulties from Grade Pre-K to Grade 10.
Counseling / Special Needs Referral -
Student/Self-Referral Form -
Feedback Form for Counselors/special Educators -
The department conducts various awareness programs for students, teachers and parents throughout the year. The links and the information will be updated regularly here.
During the month of June 2020, the team conducted an awareness on Forgiveness Day and its importance for Grade 9 and 10.
Students were asked to create a video talking about the ‘What forgiveness means to them’ and ‘How it is important.’
The winners videos are available for viewing on the link - Click to View Video
The students were asked to come up with a unique design for the Counseling and Special education Department.
The Department was renamed as A.B.L.E.
The winners of the subcategory can be viewed on the link - Click to View Video
October 11,2020- October 15,2020
ISWK [Cambridge] School
Next to ISWK Primary School, Wadi Kabir, P.O. Box 1233, Postal Code: 117, Al Wadi Al Kabir, Sultanate of Oman
(968) 90122012, (968) 22356050