Page 16 - ISWKi Newsletter - August 2023
P. 16



             We learn by reflecting!

             A  student-led  conference  allows  students  to  take  ownership  of  their

             learning  and  demonstrate  their  progress  and  achievements  to  their
             parents  and  teachers.  It  also  helps  students  develop  essential  skills

             such  as  communication,  reflection,  self-evaluation,  and  goal  setting.

             Learners presented their portfolios of work from different subjects, such
             as math, science, English, and art.

               They  explained  what  they  learned,  what  they  enjoyed,  and  what  they

             struggled with. Parents were very impressed and proud of their progress
             and shared their views. They liked how learners organised their work and

             how  they  expressed  themselves  clearly.  Educators  also  suggested

             some strategies and resources that can be used to improve their skills
             and guide them in achieving their academic goals. The conference was a

             valuable  opportunity  for  the  learners  to  share  their  work  and

             achievements with their parents and discuss the challenges and goals.

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