Page 12 - The Phoenix September 2021
P. 12
Photography Dance Theatre
Click pictures with Members danced to Activities like Big
different settings - the tunes of India's fish-Little fish, Wrong
Bollywood Retro.
different exposures word game, Script
Famous songs of the
(natural and artificial reading, Stimulating
80s and 90s era was
light) & shutter speed. senses and Character
used to learn dance
Analysis of exposure moves and styles. portrayal.
of a picture.
Knotty Knitters
Yoga Learning basic stitch
Practising and
to stitch box,
exploring different
yoga postures and Creating stitch book
meditation techniques.
to record techniques.
Authors Life Skills Health & Hygiene
Exploring and Knowledge about basic Knowing about first
researching different financial instruments, aid and general
expression styles. learning how to change a hygiene. Members
Setting guidelines and flat tyre, basic hygiene, discussed what should
discussing clear stress management and be the first response at
expectations. using an ATM machine. times of emergency.