Page 4 - The Phoenix-March
P. 4
“If I could return to youth,
I would commit all those
errors again but a bit
The third fruitful term almost
closes itself, unfolding
immense opportunities we
have generated for ourselves
while dealing with issues
cropping up day and night due
to the pandemic. I would re-
confirm with all possible
emphasis which seems a bit of
a reassurance to me than
anybody else, that it has been
a smooth ride so far for all of
us. I really don’t anticipate too
many problems, but I have
been known to be wrong
before. It is a bit of a ramble
but you all "know the ropes".
At this juncture, opinions which
are opposed to the notion will
help me in conducting a brain If I could return to
exercise and arouse my mental
faculties. I am ready to move youth, I would commit
forward with the support of
my team for a greater cause all those errors again
and benefiting my institution
and the whole school but a bit earlier.”
The Phoenix Page 1