Page 12 - ISWKi Newsletter- March 2022
P. 12

House of the Year

             What  a  coincidence  it  was  as  10th  March  2022  was  Internationally
             celebrated  as  Day  of  Awesomeness  and  Vaayu  House  was  declared

             the HOUSE OF THE YEAR as well.

             I  would  like  to  thank  all  my  team  members  both  teaching  and  non-

             teaching,  who  I  know  worked  very  hard  to  maintain  the  house
             aspiration  which  made  Vaayu  house  so  special.  I  would  also  like  to
             extend  thanks  to  other  houses  of  the  school  who  competed  neck  to
             neck and helped us raise the bar of our performance.

             A  heartfelt  thank  you  to  all  the  Vaayu  House  learners  who  have
             contributed  in  the  smallest  of  manner  and  without  whom  this  feat
             wouldn’t have been possible. The team spirit displayed by Vaayuites

             was commendable and inspirational to all of us.

             We now know that Vaayu House arsenal is full of talent for the years
             to come as we have set an exceptional bench mark for other houses.

             Ms. Mariyah Khan
             House Mistress - Vaayu House

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