Page 13 - A kaleidoscope of activities at ISWKi Kindergarten
P. 13

S H U C H I T A   B A P T I S T

               C O - E D U C A T O R -   K 2   C R E A T O R S


                                                                EXPERIENCE- 8 YEARS

        As  a  teacher  I  firmly  believe  in  the  power  of

        education.Its  like  watching  caterpillars  turning  into

        independent  and  glorious  butterflies.One  will  always

        find me cheering on and supporting children for every

        step they take.I welcome everyone with a big heart.

                                                                                                                   C L A M Y   D ’ S O U Z A

                                                                                       H O M E R O O M   E D U C A T O R -   K 2

                                                                                                                                I N Q U I R E R S

                                                                                             BSC  ,B.ED, DIPLOMA IN MONTESSORI, DIPLOMA

                                                                                                                     IN LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY

                                                                                                                             EXPERIENCE - 7.5 YEARS

             This is my 8th year in teaching the Kindergarten. I make my lessons

             interactive and interesting. As an educator I help them spread their

             wings,  nurture  their  sense  of  wonder,  encourage  them  to  talk  and

             believe in themselves.

             “Every child is a different kind of flower. All together they make this

             world a beautiful garden.”
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